Friday, July 8, 2011

Reflection on Using a Blog in a Classroom

            Making a  blog proved an enriching experience. I learned much about technology and how blogs can be used in a classroom environment. Based on my experience with blogs, I intend to use blogs in my classroom.
            I began the semester nervous about using blogs. I know little about technology and did not feel comfortable using computers. However, by the end of this term, I felt more comfortable using technology. I now know how to embed videos, make links on my blog to other websites, and communicate with students through my website. I also know how to make videos on iMovie and plan to use them in my classroom.
            I think that everything I learned this semester is useful and relevant to my future in the social studies classroom. I can honestly say that everything that I learned by making this blog can be used in a classroom. I really enjoyed exploring all of the primary resources available on the internet and think that I will be able to use them in the classroom.
            I am much more comfortable with technology now than I was six weeks ago. I am no longer timid about making blogs or using the Internet for teaching purposes. I look forward to learning more about technology in the classroom.
            Speed proved my greatest concern while learning technology. I always felt a little behind the other students in the class and kept having to ask questions for clarification. I did not want to fall behind but worried about holding the rest of the class back.
            I intend to use technology in my classroom in the future. Students will be encouraged to make blogs related to the courses subject matter. I will encourage discussions by posing questions based on primary sources and requiring students to post their answers online. Students will receive feedback and learn how to write critical responses. Additionally, no student will be able to monopolize classroom conversion online because on a blog, all students will be able to participate. Blogs will be an addition to my classroom and, I believe, facilitate my teaching.

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